Still alive!!! And needing help...

Jul 24, 2005 00:22

Again, sorry for the lateness... My computer broke, and I just got it fixed...

Here are the winners, we had a tie, so no Mod's Choice this time....

onee_omi >>> BANNER


___allislove >>> BANNER

So, my problem is this, the community isn't getting enough entries to each challenge. So, I think we need to change that, so tell me which choice you guys like it better, and I'll start posting the new challenges...

1. Make the challenges bi-weekly instead of weekly.
2. Allow the members to enter two icons. I'll provide two pics or a pic and a theme for each week. (suggested by ___allislove

Tell me what you think and if you have any other suggestion let me know.... Thanx... ~.^
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