So much for me being better about posting more often. I guess you guys just have to be accustomed to my flakiness?
The "waiting". Yeah. I'm waiting on a bajillion things, it seems: for an invite to Pottermore (I want to spend hours brewing potions?) and to AO3. This thing with delicious has left me floundering for a way to find new fic, because I used to just rely on saved bookmarks from my network. Also I'm thinking about uploading my posted fic to AO3, what little of it there is. I'm also waiting for several things to finish downloading so I can watch them; State of Play is taking DAYS, I WISH IT WOULD HURRY UP.
I finally got caught up on Supernatural.
Ok, I just typed two huge paragraphs but nobody wants to read my meandering thoughts. I like it, the darkness and ever-increasing dependency the brothers have on each other, but I'm still not as excited about it as I was, say, three years ago. There are blips of things I get excited about (Death is always entertaining, as is Mark Pellegrino, and for a very very short time Misha got to do his crazy act, that was awesome) but I miss the MotW episodes. It seems like every single story arc now has them saving the whole damn world; we used to build up to that sort of thing at the end of a season. The boys are doing a bang-up job acting their little hearts out, though. No complaints there.
MERLIN. OH MY GOD I CAN'T EVEN TALK ABOUT IT BUT JFC THAT EPISODE WAS AMAZING. I was squealing and flailing and talking to the screen and basically acting like a crazy person. How is it that the silly little show I started watching to fill time in between episodes of the show I really cared about (which was Spn) became the show I really cared about?
Still writing the hooker fic. It's not jumping out of me as fast as it started, but I'm still thinking about it and pecking away at it, although I did take a break from it to write a few other random things, like
this random Charles/Erik porn,
this random McFassy comment porn, and a McFassy comment fic that
invaderwitch and I are poking at in our free time from other commitments (I'm actually really damn excited about this comment fic; it's going to be chock-a-block full of porn, including at least 2 m/m/f threesomes, and the story is pretty cool.) Amber and I make an excellent writing team, if I do say so myself :D
The rest of my life is football right now. And, because my boyfriend is who he is (which is, sadly, a Yankees fan): baseball. We have to watch every game of the ALDS and NLDS. Baseball is not any more exciting to me now than it was in June. But at least there's football. And very soon: hockey!
Do any of you watch Boardwalk Empire? Because I fucking love that show and everyone in it and the writers and the directors and the damn set dressers and everybody else even tangentially related to it because it is SO FUCKING AMAZING. Seriously. If you're not watching it then you should start. Now. Here, have some Michael Pitt as incentive: