So I know this isn't news to ANYBODY, but working full-time really sucks. And I'm in the stage right now where I'm just learning everything, so I'm not even self-sufficient enough to just buckle down and work; I have to follow everybody else around and just learn shit all the time. It's really kind of stupid and lame. But in my first 7 days of work, I've already gotten to join in on two dog shoots, the first of which was of Rhodesian Ridgebacks: 3 adults and a litter of 8 puppies only about 2 months old. I puppy-wrangled. It was actually pretty fucking awesome.
So anywho. Job. In turns whoo and bleh.
I can't believe Justified is over. I honestly did not even think that was the finale last week, because I thought it stopped in an awkward place. But I can't even tell you how much I loved what they did with the relationship between Harlan and Boyd. I won't go blah-blahing on about it, but suffice to say they're doing things with Boyd's character that are both surprising and pleasing.
I watched Adventureland this week. I really liked it! I was very surprised, since even the sight of what's-her-name from Twatlight makes me slightly nauseous. But Jesse Eisenberg is magic. Seriously.
Can someone explain to me why I find this image so sultry and hot? Because I don't get it. But holy fuck on a stick I miss bb Jared. And when was his hair ever this short??
TRUE BLOOD. Was all down hill after the first couple minutes. Not that the episode wasn't good--because it WAS--it's just that nothing in the rest of the episode could possibly have compared to Eric's ass in that ridiculous blue lighting. SERIOUSLY: WHERE ARE THE GIFS? Actually, overall I was pleased, despite the fact that this season will apparently be werewolves vs vampires and hasn't that been done to death?
I love Big Bang season. I've already read a few fun ones and one scorchingly hot one. I'm aware of the racefail but am ignoring it because at this point, everything salient has been pointed out and I won't be adding anything new.
Still sorta sideways thinking about making my journal friends only.
amberlynne talked me out of it recently but I can't say the idea has lost it's appeal. For now, I guess I'll be flocking posts (like this one) that are personal/related to work. And I no longer like my layout. Somebody help me find a good layout!