Apr 26, 2009 19:34
This past week, I finished this semester's field experience, wrote and submitted two final papers and field experience logs, and sat for the PRAXIS II exam. That last one was a doozy; sitting hunched over a desk writing for four hours gives you considerable neck pain afterward, even with a break between the two sections of the exam. I am thankful to have emerged from that without becoming a hunchback! So, four weeks from now, I will see if I am one step closer to being a "highly qualified" teacher in the state of North Carolina.
As it stands right now, all that stands between me and the end of the semester is one final paper, due in about a week. That's really not too bad, is it?
In the coming week, the groundwork will be laid for next semester, which will be my last in the UNCW Elementary Education Licensure program: the teaching internship semester! Tomorrow, I am supposed to find out in which elementary school I will be placed, which they were actually supposed to tell us last week but somehow didn't get around to releasing that information. I'm just hoping to be placed somewhere in my county, in a school that's not too terribly far away. I don't want an exponential rise in the money I spend on gas! Then Tuesday, all the interns are supposed to attend a meeting to find out in more detail what the heck we'll be doing next semester anyway. We received a schedule, but hopefully the meeting will clarify some things.
The end of this whole endeavor is on its way; unlike my last time through college, I am quite looking forward to the end!