Tech Question: What's the best cross platform File system?

May 07, 2008 16:06

I am a cross platform girl.

I have a linux machine and a macintosh (which is realy just pretty unix), and a windows XP box.

[I'm sticking with windows XP and not updating to Vista, because, well life is too short to inflict that kind of pain on myself.]

But I digress.

Being a cross platform girl, I have external devices which I back up my various boxes to.

Trouble is, they are all formatted to different 'standards'.

If I were dealing exclusively with smaller files (under 4GB), then I'd probably stick with the Fat32 system BUT as I am often archiving DVD's and other large media files that is not an option. I want to be able to manipulate files without having to archive them into smaller pieces.

As far as I am aware, Windows XP won't play nice with HFS formatted drives, and Macs like HFS PLUS  best (apparently) and the various flavours of Linux, well they just  tend to take anything you throw at them, but reportedly has curious issues with Fat16...

Please tell me which you think is the best cross platform File system and why.

ta .

I would rather move all the data off of all my external drives, format them ALL TO A SINGLE STANDARD, then move the data back.  I desperately want to have an orderly digital archive, so that I can create and catalouge system back ups easily.

So what should I choose? Stick with FAT32, Try Joliet, or something else I am unware of??
Any and all help appreciated.


tech standards, tech

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