Jan 07, 2005 11:50
Sometimes a query gets stuck in my brain, and hums around like a trapped bluebottle untill the anser is found.
Often it's somethign farely flakey and surreal (liek the etymology of the word bubble for instance).
Now i have tone i need help with...... seriuos, geek core help.
What was the first ever film / TV series to feature a sentient ship. And by sentient I don't just mean fanciful AI ( which rules out Star Treck generations and Blake Seven et al....)
Now I think... the earliest would proabaly be HAL from 20001 (more than just a fanciful AI as it took steps to ensure it's own survival aginst it's core programming...it evolved)
Prior to that it was suggested that Veger from Star Trektm:The Movie, but Veger was a probe, NOT a ship.
Yes I know I'm being specific, but tis bugggin me a lot.
So does ANYONE have a definitive anser to this.....?