
Apr 19, 2005 19:10

I was talking with Heidy about race and stuff, and she was talking about how people make stupid comments about her being muslim (!>:|!) And It got me thinking about something.

This reallly realllly aggravates me.
The whole racism issue.
Everybody only makes a big deal out of white against black, or black against white. It's like they're the only races that exist! Maybe you can get a little piece of the sympathy pie if you're Hispanic. MAYBE. a little bit if you're Asian, too. But anything else? Nope. Doesn't fucking matter.

UGH! Everybody just focuses on those two races! That's all you hear. "Oh, that's a white thing." "That's what black people do." Like they're the only fucking culture.

It just aggravates me to no end.

But what aggravates me more is when people deny racism. "Well, black people aren't really discriminated against! They bring it on themselves!"
Yeah, to an extend. Every stereotype has its roots! But you cannot seriously deny the things people face. Anyone who's not white. And then!! When I hear white people complaining about the way people treat them. Sure, I really dislike the way most of the black people at my school are kinda racist, but I don't really blame them! I probably would be too.


This whole post isn't really as organized as I'd like it to be, because just thinking about this makes me soooo angry... I can't think right.

I've always been one to side with the minority, though.
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