She's too pretty, how did I ever become her friend?

Apr 19, 2005 17:46

Today was pretty decent day, If I do say so myself.

One of the highlights?
Thong on the side of the road as I was walking home. I'm pretty sure it was... ermm... dirty, too, but I didn't inspect it or anything.

I was walking with Kimm and she gave me a tour of Wolfson ( a crappy tour, but it was still fun) and I got a flower to put in my hair. They have a horrible auditorium, but who am I to talk? I don't even have one!

Aaand nothing really mentionable at school, other than my history teacher trying to take my CD player, CD player, CD player, book, CD player. In that order, never succeeding because she's dumb.
When she tried to take my book I snatched it away from her saying "You can't have this!" because that's the first thing that came into my mind. Everybody laughed, Kenneth almost passed out. It was funny.

Then I went to Paxon, and Tiffany gave me some cherry shoelaces because I had complimented hers the other day. It made me feel so special! I have three pages written of her story and I'll post it whenever I'm done.

Well... I would have pictures, but Imageshack is being an uppity bitch. So, farewell. I'll post later with a narrative account I'm doing for English, I think it's pretty good.
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