Dec 21, 2009 12:45
So, I haven't posted since August 14th. It's been four months since my last post, and it was a totally lame one at that. I thought I'd explain why.
I've been on livejournal, under two names (this and one past one), since 2003. The reason I started was because I lost my grandparents, and had no one to vent my feelings to. There was no one I could talk to at all about it, because they would look at me like I was some sort of dangerous monster when I started crying. My feelings were so raw, so fresh, that I couldn't help it. So instead, I turned to the internet as a place to put my feelings down, because I could say what I was thinking and be able to keep it private from my family, who could easily read my real-life journal. I was ashamed of how I was "carrying on" about my grandparents, and the way some people at school acted made it worse. I mean, it was only this year where I could visit their grave without bursting into sobs.
This journal, as well as my previous one, has been a source of comfort, and a way to connect with both old friends, and new ones. It's helped me heal whenever I had a problem, and whenever I needed help. It was also, however, a great source of frustration, from ridiculously behaving groups in the LJ community, to drama that I was hoping I could get away from in real life being brought onto the internet. But all in all, I've loved being able to post here.
But times are changing, and this journal is a younger me. It's almost new years, and I'm 21. It's time for me to do other things, focus on something else, change a little more, maybe even blog somewhere else, though I'm not sure if I will pick up another journal and post as often as I used to post in "Riceball". I will still post on occasion to this journal, but it will be very infrequent after January 1, 2010, and some stints may even be longer than the four month disappearance from LJ.
I want to thank all those who became my friends here, the friends in real life who read my opinions and seemed to care about what I had to say, and especially thank the LJ community for creating a place where I could say what was on my mind.
new year,