Uk election 2010

May 06, 2010 15:47

since 1997: the minimum wage; disability discrimination & equality act; civil partnerships; maternity pay; surestart; tax credits; trebling of aid; cancellation of 3rd world debt; climate change act; 1/2mil children out of poverty; NHS investment tripled || A legacy to be proud of. Vote Labour for a fairer future

Now we have to wait and see. My predictions, and what im hoping for:

|| conservatives <300 seats
|| labour 2nd in share of vote
|| long term labour/liberal coalition

The conservatives cannot be allowed to form government with only 33% vote. Hopefully, for once, the constitution will work democratically in our favour*; permitting labour to form a coalition that trumps the conservative share.

With 7 million undecided voters today, there is nothing left to campaign for. Now there is only hope.

for foreign readers: there is no set rule for what must happen, only a precedent which suggests the sitting prime minister has first shot at forming a coalition.
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