(no subject)

Aug 28, 2009 06:01

I'm back from Indiaaa. A couple of weeks ago actually. I got a business class upgrade, which was absolutely awesome. I think they felt sorry for me or something.

With regards to that French missing person...it still fucks me up. I phoned the French embassies and they couldnt really do anything. Anyway, yesterday I decided I'd type his name into google...and omfg he has a site. At which point I almost burst into tears, because it seems like he is still missing. I just want to phone his family and tell them I've seen him. But I can't get through. The numbers either don't work or go to voicemail. I've left so many voicemails now. And when I look at the photo, it's him, I know it. I fucking KNOW IT. I can't help thinking he's got anterograde amnesia. It would explain so much. Part of the reason why it kills me, is because if I'd been more friendly i would have realised. One of the first things I would have asked him is WHO HE IS - where he's from, what he's doing etc. God, I feel so shit about it. And now the one thing I can do - contact his family - I can't even do. Here's his missing poster, btw.

I saw leprosy in the end, whey! Although, it's kind of uninteresting. Apparently 95% of people are immune to it. I don't know whether this means they have hereditary immunological defences or whether they can just mount a good immunological response to it. It was India, so no-one seemed to know. I was told only 10% of people are infectious too. Hmmm, dubious. Apart from loss of sensation, it's a bit of a boring disease. It's practically eradicated in India anyway, so I'm glad I saw it now.

Start at University College London on Tuesday. Despite the fact I have no identification because everything got stolen in India? Did I mention that I was stranded three hours from a city with no cards or cash? Yeah, well that's another story...
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