Mar 31, 2010 14:43
Perhaps the title is a bit overstated...
My central heater broke down this weekend. Fortunately, it's been quite warm these last few days and the temperature has been around 18-19 degrees, so it's been doable. Unfortunately, the company I rent my place from is not known for its customer-friendliness or speed of picking up issues like this.
So far, no news from them, just sent out a reminder e-mail to get a status update.
Odd though, the thermometer reads 18.5 at the moment, and it's not more than a teensy bit chilly, when I usually have to crank up the heat to above 21 to get it to 'comfortable' level.
In other news: still quite lonely here, with just Artemis (the reckless cat on speed) around to keep me company. Dunno what I would do without her. Getting a few more visits though, but still not nearly as much as I'd like.