The first-born child by Rakina

Feb 06, 2012 18:20

Alright. Somewhere below I wrote I don't want Harry to be under sixteen in Snarry.
But while I read this fanfic, I must say I'm definitely not comfortable with a sixteen year old Harry. Really, it's

"The first-born child" is a piece of brilliance in many ways. It has original plot and story-telling, and interesting characterization especially of Snape. It has many things classic fairytales also have.

But I have, as it often occurs, serious moral doubts about this.
I'm not through it yet, and if there's no plot twist in the next paragraphs I might stop reading.

Snape behaves... like a mental, psychotic, truly evil man. It makes no difference that he loves horses, or thinks he loves Lily, because truly, in this story, he obviously doens't know what love REALLY is about. But since Lily repeatedly told him just that, I have hopes the author uses this as means to contrast certain things between what Snape thinks he does, and what he actually does. So he MIGHT yet realize what cruel deed he has done. He MIGHT notice yet how twisted and awful his actions are. Harry MIGHT still start to hate him for it.

Will edit this when I finished or abandoned the fic.

Alright, I finished.
Thank God, most things fell out how I wanted them to fall out. I'm not all happy with it. There are some things that can't be forgiven, or not as easily. Things that NEED to be forgiven. Just because you feel pleasure during rape doesn't mean it isn't rape anymore, for example. The first time Snape sleeps with Harry is one of those highly questionable things about their relationship.
Some issues went without explanation here, and I would have liked to know how exactly Harry managed to turn Severus into a better man, or how Severus managed it that Harry fell for him. I know many people will say "Things like this just happen" or "It's a fairytale!". Still, I have my issues.

I have come to the realization that AU isn't for me, just like the OOCness that often comes with it. I repeatedly think things like "Severus would never do that" or "Are you insane? That's NOT Harry!" It might be because I don't see the point in most AU's. This is another fic that would have worked better for me if it hadn't been Severus and Harry, but two original characters.

Nevertheless, Rakina IS a fabulous writer, and "The first-born child" is, in itself, brilliant. I would recommend it to those who enjoy slavefics, because, in a very twisted way, this was one.
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