Rec-List for Snarry and Drarry Fics (and some others, too)

Jan 07, 2012 18:46

Alright, so since I decided to rejoin livejournal in favour of leaving comments to nice fanfiction, I may as well continue my rec list on various Snarry and Drarry pieces. (Mostly Snarry, though.)

In case someone is interested in those, and for general lucidity, I will repost my last recs, too. (I will link them when I feel like it.) I will continue to work on this list - I really haven't the mind to do this in one day's time oO

I'm also no friend of fluff. I can take it in small doses at the end of a story, or here and there when there's a really breathtakingly GREAT plot, but otherwise... it's really not my cup of tea.

The Sacrifices Arc by Lightning on the Wave.

Lily and James Potter raise their twin sons according to a prophecy made at their birth: One twin is the Boy who Lived, Connor. His brother Harry will guide him and stand by his side, and will protect Connor whatever the costs. But nothing is as it seems to be. Really nothing.

I don't know if there are longer fics out there, but I definitely didn't read one. Took me the better part of a year to read through this, but it was so worth it.... It starts out rather cliché, which was the intention of the author, as I have been told. (She wanted to include as many clichés into a really good fic as possible.) When you read a summary, mentioning Drarry and Severitus, and that Harry has a twin called Connor who is the Boy Who Lived, you usually don't expect too much, do you?
Be in for a surprise, then, with mind buggling plot twists, much slashy action, and a healthy dose of Idealism.

(It should be mentioned that this one is a totally Super-Powerful!Harry, though.)

Shattered by Nym

Snape saves Harry in the midst of battle using an ancient spell that devides life force between himself and Harry.  Neville is the one that got Voldemort.

This really should be considered a classic Snarry, for all its not really unusual plot and unremarkable writing. But that's just it: Harry is like the real Harry from the books, not more and not less.  Everybody is so in character that it's almost painful sometimes. And the writing resembles the first and second HP books, which makes it all the more believable, lovable. I'm really quite taken with it, and it's one of these fanfiction you keep rereading every year or so.

Tea Series by Telanu

Well, I quess everybody has read this one, so I won't give a summary. I just can't do a rec without mentioning it. I don't think I EVER read a Snarry so intense, desperate. It's my favorite Snarry, and I just adore it more for its inventive plot full of tension.

A Choriambic Progression by Mairead Triste and Aristide

This is just as much a favourite of mine as the Tea series. I guess everybody has read this too, and I think I couldn't give a half-way decent summary even if I tried.
So, this is a classic, and should there be anyone even halfway inclined towards Snarry and hasn't read it yet, GO! It's easy to find.

Fine Lines by Shadow Phoenix

Harry is at university in America, not remembering anything from his past. Lucius is out to get him, and of course, Severus is sent to rescue him.

This, albeit a bit clichéd, is a totally awesome piece of writing. It has angst, humor, romance, friendship, and really everything you'd want from a novel-length Snarry.

Rapture by Mia Ugly

A last present from Dumbledore interrupts Harry’s pieceful life with Ginny.

No summary can mirror how very impressed I am with "Rapture". There's time-travel, and angst, and the author has the ability to create deep moods without you being able to tell how she's doing it. She is also an excellent story-teller and has a talent for the right words at the right time. Oh, and I didn't mention the awesome plot yet! Just read it if you haven't already done so! Now! Snarry.

Momenti Diversi by Zarah5

Harry works at a Gelateria in Italy. Draco has been sent by the Ministry of Magic to get him back to England.

It's one of the few Drarrys I really like. That's probably because it has almost no fluff in it. The sexual tension might qualify as a factor too...

The Familiar by Resonant

A Summary would spoil this. Really.

The Familiar is quite well-known in fandom, although it is short. It's heartwarming and funny. It's one of those fanfiction you just don't forget. Snarry.

Snape:The Home Fries Nazi by pir8fancier

Losing your magic isn't something most wizards can live with. Snape, ever the survivor, is known to be living in the States. Harry goes to find him, wanting answers.

Another of those fics you don't expect much from, and that happen to blow you away with emotion and ideas and sex in the end... This is sad, and yet gives you hope and something like a happy ending.

The Herald by RaeWhit

Snape lives a simple life. Until a mysterious Traveler comes by.

Now, this I call a plot! It has something of a fairytale, in fact.  Add an awesome Luna, great writing and a fine sense of humour - Tada, one of the most original Snarrys out there!

Every Wand I've Ever Sold by diagonalist

Harry visits Ollivander every day. He seems to be the only one to remember his name, if not Harry himself. What happened?

This is another of those awesome storys that REALLY have an original plot.  I love Ollivander, and Harry’s desperation, and the mood the author creates, and Snape's snarkiness. I especially like the title here. Don't know why.

If You Are Prepared by cybele

Dumbledore decides that Harry should spend his summer in hiding with Severus Snape.

Yes. Well. This is, obviously, the lamest excuse of a summary I've ever written. It's interesting, actually, how many stories begin like this, and how few can create something believable out of it. If You Are Prepared is a classic, one of the first Snarry's I've ever read, and one I reread every two years or so. Snape is exactly as he should be, as is Harry, as is Dumbledore. They are all so fascinatingly in character, with all their faults and ambitions. I love the points of view, the impossible sense of humour that enhances the tragedy instead of ruining it. I always grin like a madman reading this.

The Road by rurounihime

[Summary taken by the author] In the midst of a disintegrating war, Harry awaits the arrival of the Order’s last hope.

So, this one is special to me. Really. Everything about this is right. The mood, the characters, the awesome magic. And I never read WIPs, so the fact that I follow it should be proof to how very, very worthy of reading this is! A very unusual Drarry.

Lachrymose by Armand Malfoy

Snape is a mass murderer and Harry is out to get him.

This summary sucks. But it is the essential idea of the story and its two sequels. However, it doesn't cover in the least how GOOD this fic is. It almost took me off Snarry because, really, in my opinion it's the ULTIMATE Snarry. The mood is all right, and the relationship between Snape and Harry is so complex you will find yourself confused more than one time. And there is no sugar. God, how I love this fic for its complete and utter absence of fluff...

Sight Unseen by Rantipole

This seems to be mostly about sex and has practically no plot to summarize, which is why I won't try. However, it's twisted, and fucked-up, and really hot, so you should definitely read it.

A Grim Old Cat by oliversnape

Minerva drops by and shoves a cat into Harry's secluded life.

This is neither long nor especially plotty, but a very nice read nevertheless. I like the author's Harry very much. And although the cat idea is very old, it worked just fine here.

The Space Between Us by necromanticnoir

When Harry needs the Sword of Gryffindor, Snape drops it in the lake deeply hidden in the Forest of Dean. Ron has seen him doing it, and Harry decides that Snape should destroy the Horcrux. Never would he have guessed what the Locket reveals of Snape's innermost desires...

This summary merely scratches on the surface of this wonderfully written, impossibly original and very in character piece of art. Her Snape reminds me of Telanu's Tea Series, which was just bloody perfect for me and the interaction between Snape and Harry is so believable it's almost canon. Except for the sex, of course.
I especially liked that the story wasn't over when you thought it was, but evolved and formed a new plot in just the right pace. Really, this is one of my new favourites. It's also refreshingly angsty.

Mostly Harmless by emilywaters1976, with art from laniern

After the War has ended, the Ministry is eager to control every dark influence that is left, including everybody who bears the Dark Mark. Severus is quite surprised, and not at all pleased, to hear a certain ex-student' pipe up at his very own auction.

Who would have thought that I'd ever rec a Harry-buys-Snape-on-an-auction-Fic? However, this is irresistable. It's quite a bit of kink, bordering on darker sex practics, actually, but it was just the right amount of everything to keep me reading. You should read this even if you're not one for bottom!Snape usually.

Egg-shaped Love by la_dissonance

Cho is bored with her life, bored with her relatives, bored with herself. Until one day, against all odds, she meets Luna Lovegood in a food store in China, throwing her back over twenty years in time to a kiss she never quite managed to forget.

It's decidedly rare, me reading something without Snape in it. But I love Luna almost as much, and somehow I stumbled over this, and I even liked Cho here, who seems a bit lost with herself, and the sex is hot. If you're not averse to femslash, you should definitely read it.

Hollow by Aucta Sinistra

Harry finds a half-dead Snape, more or less lying on his doorstep.

This very well-written fanfic has one of the best postwar-Harrys I've ever come across. I totally loved him here! It's not too plotty, but has enough substance to be classified as more than a romance. Well, the term romance is a bit far-fetched, as it often occurs with my favourite pairing. I'm babbling. Just read it!  Awesome sex-scene inside.

Heart of Stone by gingertart50

[Summary taken by the author] To be the subject of unrequited love is not necessarily a good thing. Headmaster Snape finds this out the hard way. Harry Potter, meanwhile, forges another disturbing mental connection and once again, rushes to the rescue. This time, however, he has a plan, proving that even The Boy Who Lived (Again) can learn by experience.

I love this for several reasons. First, in these kind of post-war Snarrys, the author has to come up with reasonable enough circumstances that would allow Snape to survive. This one was...well, maybe not the most serious suggestion, but it certainly was very entertaining. Second, I adore all of the characters, but most of all, I'm thankful beyond words that Ginny is a reasonable adult, not a whiny little girl. I also liked how the author embedded pieces of the canon epilogue. And: Harry is awesome!

The Life of Another by jin_fenghuang

When Uncle Vernon destroys Harry's Hogwarts letter, Harry pleads for another life so desperately that fate promptly grants his wish and he is teleported back to the Marauder Era.

Now, this was great. It's a story about how prejudice and bullying can determine someone's life and it tells Snape's childhood in a manner I think Rowling would approve of. It has a very clever plot, too. You definitely should read it.

Blood (but also roses) by Mia Ugly

Well, there is no possible summary for this, so I settle for a quote:

In Amsterdam, Severus learned the danger of the written word.  He learned that certain words could open a man's veins, and he learned which words were sharpest and slimmest, and he learned how best to avoid them. In England, he learned that some words were not dangerous after all.  Indeed, some words could be gathered close, lay smooth and cool as moonstone against skin.

Mia Ugly has become one of the now three favourite authors I have. And the only one that is still around. Read everything by her, you won't be disappointed.

Disquiet in the Face of Victory by oliversnape

The battle is won and Hogwarts is being repaired, but Harry is fairly sure that he shouldn't be seeing this many ghosts, shouldn't feel dread overtake him whenever he enters the dungeons. Also, Snape isn't coping.

This somehow manages to be creepy as well as beautiful. The mood is carefully crafted, Harry is awesome, and Snape is very very human. It's not pretty, and yet, somehow it is sweet.


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