Jan 31, 2008 07:44
So last night, Agnes and I were nice and comfy from our medications (see posting "That's Love") and as we were flipping through the channels I caught out of the corner of my eye a news headline displaying on the screen about how Heath Ledger was a "drug user". I do not recall 100% but believe it was FOX that was running this "news".
NOW, the point I want to make here is...why is this important? Why is dissecting a person's life after the fact so damned important in this country that it would make the news? WHY? I suspect it is because the population reads it..eats it up, LOVES the gossip and dirty details of OTHER people..it sells! I for one was disgusted by this. It is the same thing they did with River Phoenix (who I did not like as an actor).
It's no one's business and really, in the grander scheme of it all..what is the value of reporting this kind of junk? It devalues the importance of "news", fills the brains of the already weak-minded masses with more slop that can distract them from real issues and news like , Hmmm OUR ECONOMY, OUR EDUCATION SYSTEM, OUR FOREIGN POLICIES.
It was a sad re-affirmation of the pathetic state our main stream news agencies are in. SO, I encourage everyone to throw aside ANY news organization that has to announce to its viewers how they are "Fair and Balanced" or boast about how they are "The Most Trusted Name in News" and really take a look at news reporting like the News Hour on PBS, Charlie Rose, Tavis Smiley, CSPAN Washington Today. These sorts of shows are engaging and do not need to boast on themselves...the content speaks for itself!
I liked Heath Ledger, I enjoyed his performances and was saddened when I hear he had passed away. Tearing apart a man's life after he is gone is not news...it is a salacious appeal to the gossipy masses.