He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

Jun 04, 2005 00:28

You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime

Once upon a time Jeff wrote three journals in a row for the first time in forever. That being said, I shall sit for a while and bask in my accomplishment.

Enough basking and on with the night. I just got back from Steven's party and it was a smashing good time. I tried to play basketball and then I swam for a while. Well the swimming was for a long while because the water was warm, the air was cool and the night was young. So the youngness of the night disappeared after a while and ten o' clock rolled around so I took my pruned finger's and toes out of the pool, and I dried myself off down by the fire. Seriously, there was a fire, in the fire pit. I told some crazy stories, about things from college. Like how Dr. Lousisa uses a time machine to teach history. It is seriously weird, but he's been doing it for twenty some odd years, so he keeps at it.

Earlier in the day I went over to Jon's house and played air soft guns. I'm a terrible shot. I just pointed my gun in the general vicinity of Pup -since he was the other team- and it shot him in the head...twice. So I feel bad because I'm a dirty rotten head shooter, and I leave and go up to Eric's house to watch that old 80's flick Tron. Well I also left because the movie viewing was starting at 12 and I wanted to get there on time. We watched Tron and marvelled at how far the computer graphics have come since the first movie with them (Tron) to now. Quite far. We then played ultimate frisbee, and that about wraps up what I did today.

If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face.
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