Auld Lang Syne

Jan 01, 2005 11:12

To blatantly re-state the obvious, it's been a year since this day last year. And tomorrow, will be a year since January 2nd. The day after that, a year since January 3rd. Every day is an anniversary. Every day should be a celebration. Congratulate yourself, you've made it a year farther than this point last year. I'm pleased with where I currently am. I have a plan of attack for the next year. It's a plan that makes sense though. It's not a radical change in my lifestyle because most resolutions that are radical changes most often don't happen. I just want to take care of my body. I'm going to try the Master's swim club at my school, but they meet at 6:30 in the morning. That's rather early, but I'll try it and see if I can get a structured workout. If not, I still can go swimming in the evening like I have been doing for the last semester. I want to continue playing volleyball and water basketball because both those activities are great stress releases. Finally, I want to start lifting weights. I need to enlist the help of those people on my floor who have lifted before, and I'll see if that can bulk me up a bit.

Production update:

I think, if memory serves me correctly, I helped my mother configure her new laptop on Wednesday. That took all afternoon, so I'll count it as production. Thursday I went shoe shopping and I got a nice pair of shoes. There is this store in Encino that I get my shoes from, and they know their shoes. They have you take off your shoes and walk, and from your walk, they can tell what type of support you need for your foot. They know which shoes works best for the support you need, and they will get it for you at significantly discounted prices. I got a pair of New Balance that is rather comfortable, and I like them. I really don't have to break them in like my last pair of shoes because these shoes are already comfortable. After shoe shopping, I went to a sort of reunion party. My dad used to play volleyball at my Mom's cousin's house. Every weekend these people would get together and play volleyball and then afterward there would be a bar-be-que. I don't think these people have played for at least 7 or 8 years, so it was fun to see how much everyone has grown up. Funny thing is that my dad met my mom the volleyball thing 20 some odd years ago. Small world.

Yesterday was New Year's Eve. I watched Along Came Polly in the afternoon and thought it wasn't that great of a movie. Later in the evening I went to Steven Lewis' New Year's Eve party. It was fun, good food, good company, good games, bad karaoke. Someone was singing a Nelly Furtado song, and I really can't stand that Nelly chick. Her music just bugs me to no end. I had to subdue my irrated twitch when I heard that song. It was tough. Near next to impossible to do. We played Texas Hold 'em and I won. We played Guesstures and I assume that our team won that too. As the ball was dropping, everyone had a champagne flute filled with Sparkling Cider, and we made toasts to the new year. Fun Fun. During the evening, I had some nice chats with multiple people. One chat with Brandon made me remember how much fun I had in Children's theatre last year. I loved becoming so engrossed in my characters that I literally became someone else. My favorite character was the villager in my play The Trapped Maiden. I had so much fun finding something new every day to do. I liked watching my plant grow onstage from day to day. I liked losing limbs, gaining fake limbs, and then losing the fakes ones. I liked writing a farming song, sweeping song, and nearly falling on my face because my farming stick slipped. I liked my costume. Pilkey said nothing to me about my character. She let me get as outrageous as I wanted because it enhanced the show, and didn't take away from the main part. I thought she would get mad at me. The only comment she made to me was she didn't like my stick. Well, sticks are fixable, so I fixed it. I loved trying to make people break character, which I was able to do multiple times during the run of the show. Supposedly Nate is one of the tougher people to make break character, and I got him to break character. I was able to make Desiree break character almost everyday, and in the the Home Sweet Home play, I made my whole family break character when I pulled off my wig in one of my rants. I heard from Brandon that he is going to have Adam and Nate come to the Coincidence rehearsal on Tuesday and try to make the people break character. Don't think I want to miss that, so I shalln't.

Finally last evening, I had nice chats with Steven and Emily, and those were good, made me feel happy, and made them laugh. One was a senseless LiveJournal bashing, I bashed it. They laughed and agreed.

Best of luck to everyone in the new year. Whether it be Beginners Luck, Dumb Luck, Pure Luck, or the Luck you make for yourself, keep yourself safe. My research has shown that nearly 99% of injuries occur because something stupid is done. Moral of the story, don't break the stupid rule.
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