Nov 30, 2004 22:52
Quick update before I head off to bed. Today was Tuesday, a rather long Tuesday at that, but it's over now. I woke up nice and early for english, worked two shifts in the journalism department, went to poli sci, listened to a guest speaker during freshman leadership seminar, and watched the christmas lights get turned on all across the campus. I got a delicious sandwich from Panera, which is slowly making its way westward, and ate it for dinner. Rather dull day, but I felt like updating for the sake of updating because that is what I used to do religiously when I was home. Now I have neglected my duty, and I don't wish to any longer. I concluded my day with a rousing game of pool basketball. I won. I talked to people online including Eric Killough, Elizabeth Hilpipre, and Kellie Parkinson, and then I went to bed. If I didn't talk to you, I'm sorry, but I'll get there eventually. For anyone that is curious, Creighton Basketball won again today beating Xavier 73-72, Tyler McKinney hit the game winning shot for the second game in a row. That's clutch. I'm going to the game on Saturday, and right now I'm looking for California folk that would like to go to a Creighton Men's basketball game in San Diego on December 31. I really want to go, but I don't know how likely it will be. It's worth a proposal though. Question: If the candy man can cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good, what can you do when you mix the world with special ingredients? What are your special ingredients? Do they make the world taste good too?