In the meadow we can build a snoman

Nov 21, 2004 10:38

Well, I have had all weekend to update my journal and I am finally getting around to it now. Since I really don't communicate with many people outside of Nebraska, I figured that this would be a decent way to let everyone know that I'm still alive, (token response to someone who asks me how I am). Yesterday I went to the Creighton Men's basketball game. It was a lot of fun, and I can honestly say that sitting courtside is the way to go. I sat courtside when they played on Tuesday as well, and it is just awesome being so close to the floor. Plus when you are close to the floor, the camera guy that videos the fans gets you everyonce in a while. I have been on the videoboard at the Quest Center 10 times in 3 games. What can I say? The camera loves the girl that I sit next to, and I just get in the picture as well. Last week was rather hectic and busy...perhaps the reason that I didn't update. In addition to all the homework that I normally have to do for class, I had to do a project for my video class (and other work which I will discribe after I mention my video class). I had to write and act out a fiveminute script with zooms, wipes, 5 visuals, 6 character generator pages, about something sports related. For my script, I sold swim caps. I have five caps here with me at school, so I just used them as my visuals, and made up some reason why the public should by those caps. It turned out better than I expected. Also in my video class this week, we actually produced one of the university television programs. Since my professor in the class wants me to direct a lot of these programs next semester, he had me technical direct, so I sat right next to the director, and pushed the buttons that changed cameras and did all that stuff.

Next busy moment: I had to write a book review for history. It was essentially a book report, and I chose to do mine on Utopia by Thomas More because I have never read it before, and it is 112 pages long.

I went swimming several times. When I went Friday with Jocelyn, I worked on my arms, and my arms were sore all Saturday. I did 4*200 pull sets, and then I did 2*50 scull, scull, deckups, set, and my arms were dead.

I played volleyball on Wednesday with a lot of people from my floor, and I had a lot of fun. Eric K. might appreciate that this time I actually could set to some tall people, and it was a lot better than the last time that I had to play sand volleyball and couldn't set to anybody.

I played football on the swampy Hixon-Lied lawn with 11 other people and that was amazing fun as well. It was rather dark because it was 10 at night, but still something that we all agree that we need to do again.

Friday night the dining hall had a Thanksgiving feast for us. The food was amazing. They had all the typical Thanksgiving type foods, but they actually had a place set up where one of the chefs was cutting the turkey off the carcus for you. They had table cloths on the tables, dimmed lights, and candles. I actually thought it was a cool idea. It was the first of three thanksgiving feasts for me. Tonight I have one with FLP, and on Thursday I am going with my Grandma to my Aunt's house.

Friday, my application for the Cortina Community was due. Cortina is a Jesuit that is working down in El Salvador. Back in 1989, the Salvadoran soldiers killed 6 out of eight Jesuits working down in El Salvador. Cortina and one other man were off teaching somewhere else that day, so they the army never had a chance to kill them. However, Cortina still devotes his life to teaching and helping out the people in a hostile territory. Therefore a service, faith, justice community on our campus was named after him. It sounds like it will be an amazing experience to take part in, so I hope that I get in.

I hope everybody has a good thanksgiving. In that spirit, I will ask my question of the day. Question: I am thankful for all the people that have touched my life and made me who I am. I am thankful that I am here in a place that I love, with people that are amazing, and I am thankful for everybody back home who is rather supportive of me. What are you thankful for? Second follow up question: What are you going to do bright and early on the day after Thanksgiving?
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