(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 09:02

Not that I was ever planning on buying any of his albums because it's not the kind of music that I like, I will never buy anything Kanye West related. He makes me sick.

What we need is unity, people. NOT for people to be racist, or to claim racism (or elitism, class issues, blah blah blah) when it may or may not exist (which I know could be argued both ways, but really, there are more important things to be taken care of so STFU), but to band together, get over your "differences," and rebuild. All you're doing is dividing people. Forget your own agenda and just get in there and help. Oh, and no matter how poor or displaced or dark or lightly colored your skin is, it is NOT OKAY to rape people. Stop being a savage and be a human being. If you steal (because regardless of whether or not it's called "looting" or "finding" in the media- mind you the site going around that said the black person was looting was FRENCH not American- it's still technically stealing) food, water, diapers, or other essentials that's okay given the situation, it's survival. But if you're going to steal radios, tvs, cadillacs, and guns, I hope you are prosecuted and fiercely. That is not okay.

While I don't think that relief has gotten there soon enough, I also understand the fact that it does take time to mobilize people. Planes aren't just sitting around daily with supplies ready for whatever may come. It'd be nice if they were, but that's just not how it works. We have to do what we can. Go give blood (I will be a week from today since I'm not eligible yet from last time), donate money, help organize or attend fundraisers, go through your closets and donate clothing to charities that can get it there, DO what you're available to do. This isn't about race, no matter how much some want it to be, it's about PEOPLE. People just like you and the people that you know. The people I interact with come from all different walks of life, ethnicities, and religions and yet we're all worried and hoping for the best. Race is only an issue if you continue to make it one. I know there are people who are actually racist bastards, but I can assure you that George Bush was NOT just sitting at his ranch or in the White House maniacally laughing and twiddling his thumbs at how all the poor, black people just experienced a devastating hurricane. It's about the poor black, white, hispanic, asian, whatever people just as much as its about the rich black, white, asian, hispanic, whatever people. EVERYONE experienced the wrath of Katrina.

Seeing people ignore the bigger issue of helping to save people's lives and helping to rebuild once its over and reducing it to a racial/class issue upsets me. Because there are people who do care, about EVERYONE, yet are being called racists and classist and whathaveyou.

P.S. Another relief agency you may not have considered is World Vision.

World Vision has already begun sending shipments of emergency supplies, including water containers, clothing, cooking equipment, personal care and sanitation items supplies donated by generous American corporations. Your gift today to World Vision's American Families Assistance Fund will ship and distribute these urgently needed goods to the families who need them most.
World Vision is partnering with local churches and Christian agencies who are on the ground in the devastated areas distributing these vital supplies, and offering prayer, counseling, and comfort for the victims of this disaster.
And in the weeks, months and years to come, World Vision will stay for the long haul, partnering with local communities, churches and Christian organizations to help rebuild homes - and lives.

To donate, go here:
World Vision
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