Update on my car situation ...
My dad spoke with the owner of the valet parking company. Explained the damage to the car, how the car was apparently hit, and who it was that did it ... Long story short, we know exactly who it was and when and how it happened. Anyways, the company has a body-shop that's part of they're insurance that can fix it for us. Frankly, I don't trust that place ... I know, I haven't even seen they're work or place yet, but I still don't trust. People in this city are so dishonest and such assholes, that they'll do a shyt job just to get it out of the way. I much rather have my dad set the terms and say, "You're paying for it, but I want it done here" ... and take my car to his client/friend that owns a body-shop where they fix dents and scratches and any sort of damage to exotic cars: Ferrari, Lambos, the like (He's already worked on my mom's BMW to fix a cracked bumper down in the bottom, after my dad ran it over those shyt things at the end of the parking spaces ... left it like nothing ever happened). But, we'll see how things turn out. *sigh*
On a Lighter Note ...
Ein takes really classy porno shots.