Aug 17, 2004 16:28
Well well well, I have decided to attend Riverside Community College instead of Marymount, it was a TOUGH choice indeed. Marymount would have probably better suited my intellectual needs, but finances were scarce and by scarce I mean there wasn't any. haha. So I'm going to say that this is my college shopping year, I will check out a numerous amount of schools and really put in my all to see where I want to go because I am not about to blow $30,000 a year when I have no idea what other private schools are asking. I can almost assure you it will be a private institution though. Although they are pricey, as Jamie and I were saying earlier, You get what you pay for, and it is so true. God willing I will have a plan for my life by next semester. I want the best for myself because education is very important to me and who wants to sit around in 30 years and wonder what they could have been if they went to a higher education. Not me.
On another note, we are having a bbq today at Mr. Simko's place and that will be grand.
Burbank, thanks for the hospitality.
Mundo, thanks for being greasy.
Jose Salcedo, thanks for letting your mucus seep on to my arm in 2nd grade on the way to the zoo.
Pablo Lemus, thanks for having a cool forehead.
Jaime Guitierra, thanks for playing like a true chiva.
Manuel Lopez, thanks for wearing those brown levis daily.
Armando Caranza, thanks for signing my yearbook when no one else would.
Isaac Arambula, thanks for being extremely swift and agile.
Minardo Serna, thanks for the excellent service at the wendys restaraunt.
Charles Boddy Jr., thanks for wearing that hip and funky shirt in your 8th grade yearbook photo and for signing my yearbook with this:
Hey Jeffy Boy,
Have a great summer. Maybe I will see you over break.
Kevin B. 943 1091
Jamie Simko, thanks for riding your bike over to my house that one time with Mark Trent.
Jacob Floyd, thanks for...............being the GREATEST FRIEND EVER! You made 8th GRADE SO MUCH FUN!
AS you can see I was just flipping through the eighth grade yearbook, gooood stuff indeed.