ok - i am a nut. literally - god know only wher emy shell is butthe things i have been doing today spark 'wher eis my mind' more than anything i have ever ever done.
butfirstthings: yestrerday, i walked, and walked, and WALKED!!
holy shit, i have blisters the size of acorns in myheels, butmy cons are my new bedt friedsn (yiou know how u uaually have to get thru thatbitchy meet and gteet thing with poeple firast...WANYTWAY i digress)
ok so yeah, i jus wandered around side streets to the farners mark=et which was a whole lot of *meh* butstill kinda funny...decided againsttehGetty Center as three bus's ewas just NOTCOOL getting there...Orange Grove Avenue is my new fave streethere.
got a cab from the marketto HEAVEN!
i love that place, if i could mary a retail outlet, i SO would. anyway, i boughtthe michel gondry and Spike Jonze DVD;s (WAY CHEAP)
and the Wilco one ( i am trying to break your heart)
The Kills Black Rooster EP
Sleater Kinney, Dig EM Out
Franz Ferdinand
Sigure Ros (the movie soundtrack one)
i *did* restrauin myself so yeah - i tried to play nice...TRYTRY!! it HRADHARD..
ok, walked BACK from Hollywood to WestHollywood 9wher ei am staiyn) inadvertantly walking down alleeys and streets, got onto sunset and Hollywwod - itwas funny, butyu getthe general impression thateveryonew here wanstto be something else..i am not sure why.
oh, and everyone is an actor, or wants to be *vomits*
had a nap before getting picke dup byKevin - and boy is he and his new smellingfastfood car RAD! i love him - yhe's like my US older brother, wi9th a weird accent and chryogenetically to tall - buthey, thats coool.so yeah, met his friend Peter.
went to bar
meet the drummer (brain freeze moment, cant remeber his name()
VODKA all the way
went tio drummer house
drank drank drank
your seeing a apttern?
anyway, last nightshenanigans basically lef tme so fuddy today.
i did manage to take my contacts out props to emily
overslept, missed check out, lost$10, got food, killed my watch...MISSED THE BLOODY BUS TO THE AIRPORT!!!!
so now i am waiting for reneau to9 come and pick me up after i was supposed to meether attheairport..oh, so thatmeans we will definitely be stuck in traffic - YYEEEHARR!!
oh well, itwas worth it.
thanks you Kev - you are ace:
i am off to coachella soon -
http://www.doralpalmsprings.com/ this condo looks awesome. not sure how many rooms it is, but its free
and in a nice country club with a semi-private pool. woohoo.
and thats me digs ;)
hopefully more tales of the enbchanted, and enchanting and lifestyles of the desert folk - i heard Indio is a didgy party town - I CANT WAIT
bring on the dodge, nothing can be wiorse than the Gold Coast - sorry angie, butyouknow its true!