Okay, so I totally strong armed everyone into giving me lists of things that they associate with me last night, and there were, of course, some overlapping patterns.
Spencer Smith
Spencer rocks my world, okay? First of all, he plays drums like a motherfucker.
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This is the first time I really noticed him and, okay, so the first time I saw this I was all, "Ooooh, belly dancer!" But then I was like, "Wait, go back to 1:16. Who the fuck is the kid on drums?" And my Spencer love began.
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It's easy to get distracted by Ryan and Brendon (and Jon Walker in that white v-neck that kinda makes me want to bite him, nng), but Spencer, Jesus. He's amazing.
Anyway. The foundation of my Spencer love is how he plays drums like a motherfucker. And then he's just beautiful and bearded with shiny, shiny hair and he rolls his eyes during interviews and sometimes just wanders off because he's bored. He's got a tiny little belly I just want to smish and when he's stoned, you know it because he loses the ability to open his eyes more than halfway. And he tells his label to go fuck themselves if they think he's not going to Abbey Road over doing more stupid interviews with teen magazines. And he gives interviews to Out where he never once mentions the fact that he's straight and has a girlfriend because he doesn't give a motherfucking shit and doesn't need to preface any of his statements with the typical, "I'm straight, but I totally support homos, even though I'm totally straight," line that so many people use.
So much love for Spencer Smith. Seriously. We just won't talk about the pedostache he was rocking for a while there, okay?
I love where I live. It can be really crowded with tourists and college students during the winter, but I still love it. I bundle up in sweatshirts and wool socks when it's 50 degrees outside (10°C) because that's cold here. And contrary to popular belief, the desert is not a wasteland. It's teeming with all sorts of life--birds and lizards and coyotes and javelinas, thousands of cactus and wildflowers and it's beautiful. Also, it's hot. The summer is my favorite time of year, when you have to move slowly and the heat seeps into your bones and makes you all loose and relaxed. I think it's perfect when it's about 95-100 out (about 35-38°C), but I'm still comfortable for another ten degrees or so.
And, crap, now I have to get ready for work. When I get home, I'll probably be ready to talk about coffee and tea. Or possibly anger. =)