I wish my TV got better reception. I already have a $40 antenna.
Oooh, badass new title card. And Sam reading Faust while Dean gets laid is just classic. And, Lord, the look on Sam's face while Dean's having fun with The Doublemint Twins? Hee!
Where do I know Tamara from? Oooh, she was Ianto's girlfriend in Torchwood.
Wow, the whole "drinking Draino" thing was seriously disgusting.
"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." I heart Bobby.
Well hello, there, hot blonde hunter. Who are you and how long will it take before I thoroughly dislike your characterization?
Oh, Sam. Oh, Dean. You boys are just such woobies. Dean sees hellfire as the light at the end of the tunnel? It's so fucked up and so very Dean. Other than that, the episode was kind of boring.