Miscellaneous Stuff...Somehow Mostly British

Jul 19, 2009 20:40

Yes, I know, I know, LJ spam. But I couldn't space these out. Yesterday we had a bad storm, so that took time away. Today, I had stuff to do. And I also kept getting distracted with random things/products to do research on.

So, some randomish things:

  • I finally found time to finish The Truth. Hooray, so so good! This allowed me to make another dent in Misfortune. Loving that, as well. Then again, it's Wesley Stace. And he's brilliant. And he also signed my copy. So, it's even more brilliant all around.

  • Even though today was Sunday, it didn't really feel like a Sunday. I blame that upon the third series of Kingdom ending last week. It was such a perfect Sunday show, with a Sunday feel. Even if I didn't watch it on a Sunday, a Sunday feeling is always good. So, open question: Any shows that you get a Sunday feel from? (Assuming that makes sense. )

  • No, I haven't been able to see HBP in cinemas yet. Yes, I do plan on it. I just don't know when. In the interim, I would like to revisit a post I did a while back, inquiring which HP character you think I would be. I got some lovely responses, but before I go to them, I should mention that the upcoming movie and my waning fangirl were not the sole reasons I requested responses. I re-took that MBTI personality test to see what I was now and if I had changed since I was younger. Well, I had. Not much, but I have. I'm an INTJ now.

    I had also taken the corresponding Harry Potter test for the MBTI quiz pre-uni. Then, my personality type made me Remus Lupin. This was of course up my alley, because I adored Remus at the time. And I had a friend who adored Sirius Black, and we had our own names for each based on these characters. (I named her Jirius McBlack and she named me Sherus Lupson -- a mix of our names and theirs.) Now, I am Snape. Yes, Snape. I'm not saying that's that bad of a thing. Just for personal reflection really. Just think: If only Remus had gone to my university and had some life situations like mine, he'd be Snape. Or something. Blah, who cares. (I do, but that's besides the point.) (Also, all characters if you're interested.)

    As for the answers my f-list gave, well, I adored each one and some I hadn't even thought of -- but of course flattered me very much.

    1.rouji: Toss between Hermione and Young Remus Lupin: "You seem to have a studious theme going here. :)"
    2.hergrace: Tonks: "You've got a lot of different facets, and each shows through in different posts. :-)"
    3.bluetonguedlion: McGonagall - Inspired partly by my sarcastic moments
    4.shard: J. K. Rowling herself - "You are funny and creative, kind and caring, and strong and spirited. I suppose, then, that'd be most like Hermione, since she modeled Hermione after her young self, but whatever. You're JKR."

    Hee, WIN all around! You guys are lovely, as always, and make me feel so special. :) Honestly, this makes me wish I had enemies/haters I could show these comments to and then yell, "Suck it!" -- probably before I threaten to cut the person in half like a Tauntaun. (Oh, Tina Fey, the spell you have over me.)
  • f-list, tv shows, misfortune, kingdom, f-list of win, harry potter, terry pratchett, wesley stace

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