Jun 30, 2009 12:35
So, first off, Happy Canada Day to all who celebrate it!
Secondly, yay! Glad you all enjoyed Oliver. He can be a brat sometimes, but he's so darn tiny. It's hard not to let him get away with it.
So, today is my niece Payton's fourth birthday. I went to see her yesterday to ask her what she wanted to do today. These are some conversations we had.
I had asked her to think about what she wanted. I showed her pictures of Oliver and she got excited.
ME: Yes, that's Oliver. We can see him after we go shopping if you want.
PAYTON: Let's go now. We go see the cat now.
ME: No, we'll see the cat tomorrow. After shopping.
PAYTON: No, let's go now. I want to see the cat now.
ME: No, tomorrow. Do you know what you want? A movie? A dress?
PAYTON: I want that cat.
ME: So, it's your birthday tomorrow!
ME: How old are you going to be?
ME: No, you're not. Hadyn's six. How old are YOU going to be?
ME: You're going to be four.
PAYTON: Okay. I four.
PAYTON's looking at her birthday party decorations and cards - Tinkerbell-themed. She opens up a blank card.
PAYTON: Oh, it says happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me...I gotta go show Leighton [her brother] this.
(A few minutes later)
PAYTON: I showed Hadyn [her other brother]. He said it's terrific!
BONUS: From my f-list:
A friend is a teacher, and here is something one of her little students, who's six, shared during oral news time:
"Michael Jackson is dead. My mummy cried when he was dead. My daddy didn't cry. He was sick and he had a heart attack. Not my daddy, Michael Jackson. He used to be brown like me but then he gave himself an injection and turned himself into white. I think that is very silly because brown is better because you don't get sunburn like teacher and Evelina. He was good at dancing and used to do this: SHAMONE! *grabs crotch*"
nephews & nieces