Dorkitude to the Max!

Mar 07, 2009 19:27

Dorkitude and geekdom always make me smile. And happy. (Insert random "Whee!" here.)

These past couple of days have included some rather dorky moments that made me gleeful.

Via purple_smurf on Twitter, I learned that not only does a freaking pink dolphin exist, but it's right near my home town. I was all like "How did I not know about this?," so I decided I'd call my sister to see if she had seen it on the news in the past year or so or something. Of course, because it was a freaking pink dolphin (and I don't even like the color pink!), this was not a matter that could wait until the next day. I called her that night, and she immediately answered the phone "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Oops. My bad. (Mind you, it was only 10:30PM my time and 9:30 hers, but due to my calling rarity, concerns were raised.) So, anyway, she had never heard of it, so I sent her a link via e-mail, which she shared with her coworkers who were all equally surprised. I then talked to my other sister who watches the news everyday and has for the past several years, and she had never heard of it. I explained to both of them how I learned about it: A friend of mine in Australia linked to an article from England about something that was happening in our backyard. So yeah, we're all excited. I go home for Spring Break soon and maybe we'll get to go see it.

Also, I thought I had booked my trip home for the 14th of March. It's a Saturday, and I was off anyway. I had told my mom. Her bday's the 13th, so she was excited it'd be near it. Then, I was on the phone with my sister and realized "Oh crap, I actually booked it for the 13th, a Friday." This meant that my sister would have work that day and might not be able to come and get me. But then, problem solved. I suggested that if she and my other sister came and got me and just didn't tell our mother, we could pretend like we planned it as a surprise. (It's her 50th birthday, after all.) So, it's settled and that's what we're doing. (My sister also said, "Yeah, I'll take off that day. Or I'll quit. I'm happy with either." (She took a 1/2 day, so, no job quitting, heh.)

I also got some good/weird news via e-mail. So, I'm apparently nominated for Student Employee of the Year, something I didn't even know existed. Of course, if there's refreshments involved, I'm all there. And there will be. Score! I was expecting as much, but still wasn't sure, you know. The conversation with my sister went as follows:

SIS: So, anything else new? Other than the pink dolphin?
ME: Not really. Oh, wait, I don't know. I got nominated for Student Employee of the Year.
SIS: Really?
ME: Yeah. I didn't even know it existed.
SIS: So, what, is there like an award or something?
ME: I don't know, I didn't know it existed. All I know is there better be refreshments. It's from 10AM-noon. They should at least have drinks and Dunkin Donuts or something.
SIS: Right. Exactly. You deserve donuts for your hard work! That's the least they could give you.
ME: Exactly! I worked hard for that thing I didn't even know existed!
SIS: Yes! Exactly!

Apparently there will be door prizes, as well. Methinks it might be one of those things in which everyone gets something, it's just a matter of whether or not you luck out and get something decent. But who cares. Food!

Yesterday, my intern supervisor and I co-participated in another little dorky episode. (Not our first, mind you. Many discussions of how awesome BBC shows are as well as the genius that is Buffy have emerged. Many, many.) I told her there were some hilarious lolcatz I had to show her, since I know she loves kitties and lolcatz in general. While I was pulling out that link I posted the other day, she creeped back into the staff meeting and got me some mini chocolate cupcakes since I hadn't had breakfast yet. Needless to say, she was laughing so hard. And one of them is now her wallpaper. Heh.

Also, I have finally gotten my hands on a copy of Good Omens. I have been gobbling it up as much as possible. I may do some quick daily comm posts and then return to the world of awesomeness. *huggles it*

Oh, almost forgot. I wanted to share this link that I snagged from rouji: The Aeneid via Facebook. It's right up there with McSweeney's Hamlet Facebook feed. Of course, major points for all the detail in this one. Did I totally almost fall over laughing at the Dante bit? Yes. I did. I very much did.

I know there's been a lot of Facebook parodies of things, but can anyone thing of something that involved Twitter? Or maybe some other non-FB site? Just curious for curiosity's sake.

In closing: Remember, kids, look for dorkitude in your life wherever you can find it. It will make you a happy person, I quasi-swear.

**Note: the LJ-cut text is not a binding contract

omgz!, links, neil gaiman, kittehz!, geekdom, ramblings, lolz, dorkitude, university press internship, terry pratchett

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