Forecast Things are looking up with a few glances downward
So, our Young Dr. Horrible vid broke the 10,000 view mark on YouTube, and we've got 20+ subscribers. So, you know, pretty damn shocked. But in a good way.
I also decided to upload a pic of me going to see The Dark Knight:
Still going to see it a second time when I can. (Plus, they say the second time around you get to do the weird stuff/random reference)
So, all in all, things seem to be good in the world of fandom, specifically TDK. I mean, not only do I get wonderful new pics of the lovely Aaron Eckhart, but
aaron_daily has doubled in membership! Whee! Plus, look what hottie
attended the London premiere! Eee! The colliding worlds of fandom never cease to excitement! Come on, Simmster, go chat up Mr. Nolan and get yourself a role in the next movie!
Though, fandom likes to dawdle in grey territory often, yes? Last night before heading up to bed, I read that article from the Sun about Christian Bale's alleged assault charges. It was The Sun. So, you know, I've been an anglophile long enough to know you just role your eyes at them. But then, I wake up this morning, and it's in other places. So...that's a nice bit of WTFery for the day.
So, will be following
this post and
this one. Can't promise I won't be spamming the f-lists with commentary and such on the matter.