I last left you with my Frazzled Manifesto. Today, I bring you an update. Of some sort.
Things I completed:
1.Finding a place to stick my things so I won't have to ship everything back home
2.I spent the weekend reading the necessary stuff for the IRB Certification stuff. I needed a minimum of an 80 and managed to score that Sunday on my first try!
3.While the next step was to work on my Dante paper, it took me forever to actually get to it. You know how when you have a lot of things to do and when you accomplish one of them, there's too much of a feeling of completion and you can't get motivated to do anything else? Yeah, had that problem. But I did work on it throughout the day yesterday and had it finished before 2AM. Which is considerably early for me, I assure you. That's done.
4.I finally got to e-mail the company regarding the internship. Hopefully I'll hear back from Jeff soon, and I can finalize my plane ticket. I've been keeping an eye bookings and prices (Leave me alone, Shatner!) and there still seems to be some good bargains out there, especially since I'm leaving in less than a month. Damn.
I am pleased to say that despite my teetering on the edge of full on frazzly fraz mataz, I managed to avoid running around like a headless chicken over the weekend. So yay for my lack of decapitated poultry imitations!
DW was good. I actually made another set of macros that received some delightful comments, which totally made my weekend!
Shameless Plug. Let me show you it. Another thing I did this weekend (besides trying Dunkin Donuts' Hot Chocolate for the first time -- God that stuff's good kiddos!), I took the Tibetan Personality Test. If you know me, you know I don't really do stuff like that often (at least not, anymore), but my coworker encouraged me to do it. If you have the time, you should really try it out. If you haven't done it already, that is. (And don't worry about passing it on, I didn't.) Here it is:
Below the cut I've written in my answer and commentary and what they're supposed to symbolize. Naturally, don't look until after you take it if you plan on taking it or it will ruin your answers/meanings.
Part 1: Animals in order of your preference
These each symbolize something and the order signifies each thing's priority in your life
1.Sheep - Love - this is my main priority, pretty accurate
2.Pig - Money - I was a little off-put by this one, but, I gotta admit, it's kinda true
3.Horse - Family - This and 4 make sense, too
4.Cow - Career
5.Tiger - Pride - Considering my self-esteem rivals Antarctica, spot on
Part 2: A word that describes each of the following:
The descriptive words apparently are how you'd describe what the the animals symbolize. Some interesting ones here, to say the least.
1.Dog - brown - This is supposed to describe my personality. So...I'm brown? I dabbled in philosophy (read: pulled things out of my ass) and came up with this proposal: Brown really refers to the fact that I have what may be considered an Autumn personality. Cynicism and darkness isn't as rampant as the winter and there's still a little hope left.
2.Cat - pretty - I always thought I was the personality over looks type, but apparently not. My ideal mate is "pretty."
3.Rat - gross - This describes the personality of my enemies. Gross is a lot nicer than Douchiest Douches in Doucheville, I must say. I still think Bastard-coated Bastards is perfect, though.
4.Coffee - aromatic - This is how I interpret sex. Make of this what you will. I'm still trying to.
5.Sea - cold - This is supposed to imply how I interpret/describe my own life. Um...
Part 3: Think of someone you care about that matches with the color.
The color tells you what that person means to you, in so many ways.
1.Yellow - Tod (cousin) "Someone you will never forget"
2.Orange - Janey/Jirius (friend) "Someone you consider your true friend"
3.Red - Sara (my sister) "Someone that you really love"
4.White - Payton (my niece) "Your twin soul"
5.Green - Emma (friend) "Someone you'll remember for the rest of your life"
-Some of these I feel like could easily be switched up, but it's still true for the most part.
Part 4: Fav number, Fav day of the week
Number: 7 - this means I'm supposed to send it to 7 people. And I didn't.
Day of the Week: Thursday - This means that if I had sent it to 7 people, my wish would come true on this day of the week. So, sorry kids, looks like we won't have world peace on Thursday because I didn't pass it on. My bad. Look forward to your regularly scheduled wars and chaos.
Randomness: I was in a rush this morning because my Criminology professor made a huge deal about how we had to arrive early because we'd have a quiz in the first five minutes of class. (He told us we were going to have it and what to study, so there was a significant lack of "pop" in the quiz) This led to my forgetting my cell phone. I feel kind of lost without it. It's weird. I barely use it. No one calls me, and I don't call anyone. I mainly use it for the time, but even that's not often because I'm an uberprude and turn it completely off during class. Huh.