
Mar 25, 2008 19:14

finally! It's done!

All the financial nonsense is done, most (aside from a few last minute loose ends to tie up) of the legal stuff is done, and /squee it's done! I officially own the condo myself, all my debt (/sigh) is squired away into one loan instead of all over the place, I owe him nothing financially anymore, and other than the legality of the literal divorce (which can be done as of April 1st, wooo) I'm done!!!! I'm free!!!! Still minor annoying things to do, like change direct payments at the bank, and closing joint accounts, changing my name, blah blah blah, but that's all trivial, easy peasy.

Did I mention? It's DONE!!! I own my own condo ... alone ... gah! Holy crap :D He can't make his stupid little threats, his stupid little comments, his stupid little demands anymore. He can finally be gone, and I can finally get on with my life.


debt, legal, divorce, seperation, condo

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