Recycling is good (an intro post)

Jan 26, 2014 09:16

So I gave up on Glee a few seasons ago, and jumped ship to dreamwidth among the mass exodus, but I've decided to recycle this journal so I can use it for my current obsession, the Clint/Natasha pairing from The Avengers (all versions, negl). I may also use this journal to complain in more detail about things that would get me hatemail on tumblr, but we shall see. :D

Anyways, since the biggest Clint/Tasha community seems to be on LJ, reusing this I am. I dunno how active I'll be (I'm more of a lurker than anything) but I'm friendly enough so feel free to PM me, or reply to anything I post, or link me to anything in particular you think I might like! I love interaction, I'm just not the best at getting involved in mass discussions.

So yes, any questions feel free to ask, and I'll be seeing y'all around!

this is me, intro thing
