Whitening for that extra fresh feeling!

Apr 10, 2007 14:45

Had an amazing weekend, despite a chest infection... that (whilst touching copious amounts of wood) I can say I think is clearing. This is a big yey.

The white women weekend away was the camping/getting away from the city I had been hoping for since I came to Edinburgh. It was beautiful weather, if not a tad blustery due to the coastal conditions- but the sun was shining on us the entire time. Its times like that that make me wish I had a means of transport beyond my bike, though I’m told it’s doable to get to the area we went on bike. Definitely thinking of going there for a few days of escapism some time, sort of place I would love to share with someone for a few days removed from reality.

There was a hint of mystery / confusion / surrealism about getting there, sampling lovely back country roads before finding the right one, but got there relatively easily, and the suspension on the little car held out despite it being filled to the brim with all manner of things. I felt ok enough in the morning to justify going, however as the day went on I was getting pretty rough with the gribbly ill, and the day became more of a haze. There was a lot of setting up the big communal dome tent, wood collecting (good god the wood we collected- its a good thing there is so much naturally felled and dead wood there) and general camp set up during the day and as the day poured into night there was a fab camp fire meal of ember cooked veg (sweet potatoes are little tubers of happiness) and the best steamed trout I have ever had thanks to the genius of the blue men who had come out with us to help with our training / activities/ meditations / general camping. A great meal was followed by show and tell and the beginnings of opening up to each other (of which there was a lot in the space of a couple of days) parts of our worlds. It was great to hear what people had to say about the things they offered to tell about, everyone brought something unique to the group. I was really disappointed in the rust bucket of a body I had that night. I was pretty ill and most of Friday was a malaise of pain and general unwell. I was encouraged to stay on despite felling worse and worse, and although after going to bed hours before the rest of the group that night and shivering quite miserably, I did pick up enough to manage most of the weekend.

Woke to a pile of blankets previously not there when I went to sleep (apparently an approach of toss a blanket on the shivering sleeping Becky was adopted by many when they came to bed- very much appreciated). After some breakfast (porridge of the salty Dunken variety- really tasty though) we collected some wood before heading down the beach in a secluded area behind a cliff for some meditation. We visualised our White Woman which was quite a confusing experience initially, mine being me as a little girl. Well, I'm sure some psychologist would have a field day analysing me at times. None the less, after a little more thought- it figured with me. After recent issues and feelings- me as a child is quite a good manifestation / personification of an inner strength I’m seeking at the mo. It’s odd, she seems the exact of my most deep and constant self and at the same time nothing that I am now, the later has worried me slightly recently. To thine own self be true aye?

We went for a wander around the surrounding area getting in touch with the elemental influences in action around the cliffs, forest and sea that we were camping near. Despite most peoples thoughts of me being very much an 'air' person, I found myself most drawn to the water, most grounded and energised by being in contact with the sea (possibly confused many by my oddly liberated reaction to the water, I guess sitting down in it was a tad unexpected) . On more thought it’s quite possible I am developing a more aqueous self these days, after all I can be a bit wet at times ; ).

After stone soup for lunch, we began work on the sweat lodge. Yep- an actual sweat lodge from scratch, it was really something and took everyone’s input. It felt good to be working towards something with the group, especially as I’m at my happiest creating- I got to make seats out of sand (how much more fun can a girl have without Lego?!)!!... and dig big holes, score! It took a lot of bending of branches, covering of blankets and one hell of a f***ing huge fire to heat rocks to nigh on 600 degrees. The fire once stacked to just under my height, containing the stones, blazed for 6 hours going on into the night before the rocks were removed after eating, drinking and singing with everyone- ready to create loads of steam with 16 of us crammed into the rudimentary yurt-looking dome of blankets and naked folk. Never have I been less aware of being naked in front of people. It was a great time to share with the group and reap the rewards of our work. Litres or so of sweat later and we escaped out into the fresher cold air on the beach. Having been shivering constantly the rest of the weekend I was surprised to find I didn't feel the cold, and whilst drying against the still substantial fire, I got to look out the black sea, the only light hinting to its presence was the stars reflected in the water- they were so bright that night. Fab experience- go forth and sweat nekkid on a starry beach! Good for the soul and skin.

Woke to the wind buffeting the tent the next morning. It made for quite a smokey and gritty breakfast where we used up half a pigs worth of sausages. Packing was the main game for the day, getting everything together to leave as we had found it. This was broken with a bit of flocking practice for the acropolis opening display, complete with May queen to flock from! We painted our Algiz for the last time that weekend and entered the head space to move as one (apparently better than we have done before that point, hooray for practice). Things (despite not doing the usual warm up) didn't hurt or ache as much to hold that time, which is promising- especially the back bends. We then did some practice on the bower dance / seduction before heading off.

I'm paying for it now but I wouldn't have it any other way- it was great to be there, despite being ill I had some great experiences.

For those who are reading this with a 'WTF' handing over their heads in a thought bubble... The website is being re-done so hope the bare explanation is here.  

20 days to go!!! :D
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