Apr 08, 2008 00:59
I did something that I hadn't done in graduate school before, and only did once as a freshman, 1st semester undergrad. I took a trip during the midst of classes. The first time I did it I went to visit Heather in Gainesville and I ended up failing a statistics test the day I got back and getting a B in the class. This time, I went for her wedding.
I'm not sure what the penalty will be this time, but the looming lecture and the overdue practicum report are the likely candidates. Also, it looks like Becca will be married in 3 months and Jenna, while not engaged, has been dating her boyfriend for over 2 years. A moment of silence for the loss (and collective, audible sigh) that only us boys who knew them can understand.
I don't get accused of being a socially graceful person as it is, but what little I have I feel developed solely from my friendship with Heather. I have trouble imagining myself before I knew her, like I had no sense of identity or self awareness until she came into my life. I have a clear sense of family because I interacted with hers so much. I hadn't even been aware enough to know how gray it all was before I knew her.
It's an odd thing to be around the Nortons. I feel like I don't emit any gloomy, anhedonia; bitter sarcasm; or abrasiveness that passes through from time to time. I love them all so much and I'm so happy to see them happy that its impossible to be anything but a better person around them. It would be nice to bottle this positivity somehow and spray myself with it every morning. Once every 2 years or so has been far too long in between and I haven't figured out how to generate it within myself.
So much in literature is repeated and mirrored in real life that its strange not to find an analogous story for which I can describe them when I fail at finding the words. The description of the sisters in the virgin suicides comes close, only, you know, without the suicide and death. I should note that the cousin is also beautiful, nice, and smart, so while we lost 1 for sure and 2 more are soon, there may be more out there to replenish the list :)