6 is my favourite number to write...

Jan 01, 2006 16:31

Happy New Year!

'Tis that time again... when we all celebrate by drinking a ridiculous amount of alcohol and welcome the first day of the new year with a face in a toilet bowl and for some (for many) next to a complete stranger.
As for me, I welcomed this day with utter contention and happiness. Last night I spent with Cam with a romantic night in. Cheesy? absolutely... do I care? not at all.
So, along with my clicheed New Year... I did make a few resolutions.

1- MIND MY OWN BUSINESS. Specifically at work. I've concluded that by keeping my mouth shut, I'll refrain from burning bridges, and likely, I'll be happier for the last little bit of time left in this job.

2- LOWER MY CHOLESTERAL AND PERSUE A HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE. For most, this may be lose wieght. Clearly, I would love to do that too, however, primarily, I'd simply like to regain control of my health. In '05 I found myself becoming far too familiar with my doctor. This year, I want to try to do as much as I can, to live happily without seeing him... unless, it's for a mere checkup.

3- MONEY MONEY MONEY. I know this is somewhat unattainable, but I really want to pay off as much of my debt as I can this year so that when I do actually graduate, I'll be able to live comfortably without the dread of years of monetary mistakes following me.

So that's it... Understandably, I'll need some help with these things, but I have a great support system. So, to all my friends, family and random stranglers that find their way to this blog. Happy 2006! May your year be filled with as much happiness as my entire life has.

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