Dec 14, 2005 11:52
Well, I made my first friend last night. Rhiannon and I really clicked on our "date" to dinner and then back here to chill and listen to her jam on piano. She's very cool. Very petite. The first blonde I've kissed in, well, pretty much never unless you'd consider Suzanne a blond, but she was more strawberry. Anyway, we'll see if blondes have more fun! I'll get some pictures of the new condo and also post some of people from back home when I unpack everything and find my camera. Delivery guys brought my big bed, piano and other instruments, and a couple paintings and randoms from my old place yesterday. I'm much more comfortable when I know I can turn to my music when in a funk.
Once she gets out of the shower we're going to grab breakfast then to see her parent's house in the village. THEN boarding together despite splitting open my cheek yesterday.
To everyone back in MI! I miss you and extend the invitation to come visit ANYTIME!
"Did you just swallow your pride?"
"I dont know, but I swallowed something big."
Oh, and to my college undergrads, GOOD LUCK ON FINALS! I'm counting on you to do your best!