Mar 08, 2005 12:42
Yeah, yeah. Cold again today, after a particularly temperate and bearable weekend as well. You know the toughest thing about getting back a philosophy paper that you got a 24 out of 25 on which accounts for about a quarter of your points for the semester? Staying interested for the rest of the fucking class period. I swear to God I wanted to shoot that dude for the rest of the time and put an end to his doubts about existentialism.
Gonna skip women's lit today. That class just isn't fun. The only two people who speak in there are two old ladies who offer up the most general cliches known to man and then watch as the proffessor agonizingly tries to relate it to the broader point she is trying to make about the text. I've skipped so many of those classes this sememster. Fuck it though. I have an A. But reading Jane Eyre is such bullshit. She expects us to read like 70 pages of it out of our anthology with the smallest print in the world and it takes me like three minutes to read a page. Something has to go by the wayside and be sacrificed.
Spring Break is next week, and I think I'm actually going into with A's in all my classes. I'm smart huh? For all of you out there who want to answer to the contrary, that's a rhetorical question.
I'm taking my vacation from Kroger over Spring Break as well. It'll be nice to just lay around and not have to worry about school or work. That and I think I'm gonna start exercising and not eating really shitty food and drinking lots of beer anymore. Makes a person look and feel bad.
I'm back at work today for the first time in what feels like a month, but is really only just four days. Whatever. This four day vacation beats the one I got back in December for the Ticketmaster thing. A long period of absence also puts me in a nice, nervous spot about Ticketmaster calling. I wonder if I'll ever be able to let go of that. When turds fly and then purposefully fall on old lady's heads maybe.
Saw The Jacket last night. It was the first movie I'd seen since the abomination that was Cursed, and I have to say that it wasn't brilliant, but nowhere near as bad as that piece of shit. It did the Pilgrim movie justice. For all of you who are wondering what the fuck I'm talking about when I say Pilgrim movie, I mean time travel films that exist with the time travel element being purely psychological and without the benefit of a Delorean or any other type of time travelling vessel. There is usually a confused, disoriented hero at the heart of the film and it greatly explores his ability or inability to understand his powers or his mental state. The Jacket definitely fits. Other films that fit include 12 Monkeys, Jacob's Ladder, Donnie Darko, The Butterfly Effect, etc. If you wanted to broaden the definition of the genre so that it isn't contingent on time travel as a vital element then you could include Memento, Pi, Flatliners, Dark City, possibly even the original Matrix. The most true to the genre though definitely involve elements of time travel, and though their numbers aren't necessarily that extensive, it occurs to me that these types of movies are becoming much more frequent over the years in the wake of Jacob's Ladder at the head of the nineties.
To The Jacket though. Finely crafted in terms of the way it was shot, but I'm not sure the way it was shot corresponds with the movie it needed to be. I'm sure we all know the premise by now, and that Adrien Brody gets put in a mental institution for crimes that he didn't commit, and that once he's there all these metaphysical elements start to transpire once he begins his therapy, which consist of long stays wrapped in a straight jacket inside a morgue drawer. Once the story reaches the mental institution, it basically becomes a mishmash of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and 12 Monkeys. Neither of those films impressed me that much.
I liked the stuff that happens once he begins to time travel. Yes, all you teenage boys out there, you get to see Keira Knightley naked. But more than that, you get to see a young actress refuse to slip into a Julia Roberts-style trap and begin doing romantic comedy after romantic comedy. Knightley works in the Jennifer Jason Leigh/Jennifer Connelly-style role (ironic considering Leigh plays a caregiver character in this film.) This is the kind of role that gets you nominated for awards. And her relationship with Brody works really well. This is a good role for Brody as well. It won't get any notice because no one will see the film. But he is acquiring that gloomy, mournful stigma which is usually a magnet for acclaim, at least in better scripts.
So yeah. Not a stellar Pilgrim movie, but a decent one. Who knows why I named it the Pilgrim movie? Brownie points if you comment and tell me.
Ah, it's snowing again. Don't worry, no Snow Patrol today. But I will offer up a bit of verse from my friend Mr. Edgar Allan Poe:
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before,
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore!"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"
Merely this, and nothing more."
-The Raven
Cool huh?