Here is the posting schedule for Round 5. Please make sure you know the date you are posting. Posting instructions will go up tomorrow!
Saturday, June 15th
amanofmydream & sarah_jones
Sunday, June 16th
tikific & forhimxx
Monday, June 17th
lady_yashka & finnickodair
Tuesday, June 18th
disturbinglynic & viviantanner
Wednesday, June 19th
zelda_addict & aragorn
Thursday, June 20th
landiana24 & sarah_jones
Friday, June 21st
backrose_17 & viviantanner
Saturday, June 22ndh
foxie_trot & evian_fork
Sunday, June 23rd
muchofthetime & liliaeth
Monday, June 24th
twisted_slinky & sophiap
Tuesday, June 25th
twisting_vine_x & finnickodair
Wednesday, June 26th
hunters_retreat & forhimxx
Thursday, June 27th
cherie_morte & sammycolt24