Title: The Dawn Chronicles
jadarylCrossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series/Supernatural
Word Count: 15,970
Characters/Pairings: Dawn Summers, Connor Angel-Reilly, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester. Extremely mild Dawn/Dean.
Warnings: Non-main character death
Spoilers: Buffy Season 7, Angel Season 5, Supernatural Season 1
Summary: When Buffy dies and Dawn inherits her sister’s Slayer powers, Dawn doesn’t know what to do. She only knows one thing: she can’t stay at the International Watchers Council anymore. An unlikely friend in the shape of Angel's son Connor comes to the rescue, training her and teaching her how to handle her powers and just when she thinks she has everything under control, a new Slayer is murdered. Now Dawn’s left trying to figure out what happened and how exactly the Winchester boys fit in.
Author’s Notes: Special thanks to my beta
theendermen and obviously my artist
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