Title: Through the Never
sarah_jonesCrossover: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel/Supernatural
Word Count: ~43k
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dawn, Buffy & the Scoobies, Castiel, Crowley, Lilah Morgan, Dean, Xander, Balthazar
Warnings: Violence, language, innuendos, and some non-explicit sexual encounters of the het variety.
Spoilers: For SPN through season 6; for all seasons of Buffy; very vague spoilers for all seasons of Angel
Summary: Sam is having an out of body experience, and it seems the only person who can help him is a girl who's rather experienced in being a glowing ball of light.
Author’s Notes: Setting is post-series for Angel and BtVS. For SPN, the very beginning takes place immediately after Season 5's finale, "Swan Song." And then I'll move into the events of season 6, post "Clap Your Hands if You Believe." So spoilers, even though I curving off onto an AU path.
Link to Story Master Post:
http://twisted-slinky.livejournal.com/32939.htmlLink to Art Master Post:
http://sarah-jones.livejournal.com/105137.html (or see her fantastic work on her website