Title: Wearing Thin
lifelesslyndsey Artist:
mary_greenman Crossover: Harry Potter
Disclaimer: Not my sandbox, just building castles, and not profiting from them in any way.
Type: het and slash, but mostly slash with a side-touch of wincest-twincest.
Word Count: 40k
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Gabriel. Illusions to Dean/Sam (nothing outright, just hints), Castiel/Luna
Warnings: sex and candy. and violence. and swearing. and slash, and incest. and some gore. huh. wow.
Spoilers: Entier HP fandom and so many episodes from SPN Seasons 1-5 I can't even list them.
Summary: Gabriel is a proud angel, one of the proudest, since pride is a sin. So when his grace takes a hit, it takes a lot out of him to go crawling to the Winchesters for help. And even more to go crawling to the last person he ever wants to see. His One True Vessel. But maybe finding that one person made especially for you won't be so bad. Especially if it's Harry Potter.
A/N I would like to say that this fic got way out of control! Never did I expect to write a one shot and end up with 40k! Woah! But I love it, and this bigbang was super fun. Thanks for every one involved in organizing and hosting it!
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