Title: Come on the Rising Wind
keyweegirlieCrossover: Sons of Anarchy
Disclaimer: Neither Supernatural nor Sons of Anarchy belongs to me. This is just for fun.
Type: Slash
Word Count: 18,270
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Jax, Dean, various SAMCRO members
Warnings: NC-17 for graphic sex and violence
Spoilers: None that I can think of for Sons of Anarchy, Late season 2 for Supernatural, so anything up to there is fair game.
Summary: This is a sequel of sorts to my 2009 Crossover Big Bang story
Fortunate Son, but it probably isn’t necessary to read that first.
Fresh off their escape from the FBI in Arkansas, Sam’s visions draw the Winchesters to Charming, California and into the dangerous world of Jackson Teller. They’ve come to save Jax from the fate Sam has foreseen, but nothing is ever that simple.
Jax is keeping secrets from his brothers, Sam isn’t seeing everything as clearly as he thinks, and Dean just wants to go to Vegas. Turns out, the trick is getting everyone out alive.
Author’s Notes: Beta by the lovely
sylvanwitch Link to Story Master Post:
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