It has to be SPN to count as a crossover, SPN RPF doesn't count as SPN. So you could write Supernatural/SPN RPF and that would be a crossover, but SPN RPF/Harry Potter wouldn't be. Hope that clears it up for you.
I figured as much. SPN/J2 Big Bang sent me over here because they consider what I'm trying to do a crossover, but it wouldn't work here either. Thanks anyway :)
Well my story, to me, isn't really a crossover, but their definition differs a bit. Basically its RPF J2 AU crossed (i would say slightly enough) with bandom. But since they considered fandom and bandom two different things, despite the fact they're all human, it fell under their crossover ruling.
I really don't think its a crossover since it is all rpf. While it won't fit here in a few months the rpf_big_bang will be launching its second round amd the story you are writing and any like it will be welcome there.
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