Dec 26, 2007 22:49
So I can't count the number of times that people have told me "Matt, you need to sign up with Live Journal." So after years of dragging my feet and being stubborn for no apparent reason I've finally thrown in the towel and, well, here I am.
I suppose the main reason that I've finally decided to give this a shot is that I've recently found the benefit in keeping a hard copy journal to try and sort out and deal with all sorts of screwed up things that are going on in my life. I have a tendency to over-analyze things in the deep, dark recesses of my brain. Living alone in the middle of freaking nowhere doesn't really provide me the opportunity to frequently talk things out with someone, so writing has become an effort to keep myself sane and at least mildly un-depressed. I suppose the online blogging thing is a logical extension of that since I spend so much time banging away on a keyboard for other things. Who knows.
So you've been able to tell that there will be periodic episodes of melancholy and soul-searching, some of which may even leak out past the "private" setting on these things. Maybe this is a surprise to some of you who know me as the upbeat, happy guy that I usually am. I'm not saying that I'm not happy and upbeat a lot of the time but, dudes and dudettes, I gotta let that other schtuff out somewhere right? Don't worry, I'll put some of the positive stuff here too. I look forward to hearing your comments on both types of entries.
I'll enter more later, but felt the need to lead off with some sort of introduction.