Nov 12, 2008 22:30
My room is fantastically clean. As is the rest of the house. My roomies and I (minus Kati, who bitched for days about how dirty the house was, but didn't lift a finger to actually help us clean up) went on a cleaning spree on our lovely day off from school, and the place looks so much better. I'm actually relaxed when I come home instead of stressed out by the mess - I'm starting to get where my mom was coming from when she said how much better she felt coming home to a clean house.
I feel like I need to go running. In a big way. Or something. It'd help me be less frustrated with things (namely Kati, who continues to annoy at every turn) and would also be really good for my whole "live better, feel better, look better" plan. Alas, it's 10:37 p.m. and the rec center is far away and probably closed by now. Tomorrow, for sure.
Watched a really interesting (really strange) movie for my Spanish class called "Como Agua para Chocolate." Pretty good movie, actually. The subtitles definitely helped. I wouldn't have known half of what they were saying without subtitles. All sorts of jargon I didn't know.