Title: Some Of Us
Artist: Starsailor
Vidder: Sani
Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Format/Length/Size: .wmv/0:58/18.426MB
Program used: Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Date: 14th/April/2011
Started: 14th April 2011
Finished: 14th April 2011
*Shakes fist at youtube* I just spent my weekend re-uploading my vids, of course half of them were rejected - which really pisses me off *sighs heavily* - Please head over to my new account
http://www.youtube.com/user/TheSanaazzy Voice-overs:
Chloe: I'm afraid I'm gonna lose the last little bit of me that I have left.
Ollie: No matter what happens, I know who you are.
Clark: Chloe, Oliver Queen.
Chloe: Better be careful Ollie, I'm gonna start to think you're falling for me.
Ollie: You sticking around...for a while?
Chloe: Yeah
Ollie: I hope you're not gonna run off without your husband.
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