Title: The Mess I Made
Artist: Parachute
Vidder: Sani
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing: Logan/Veronica
Format/Length/Size: .wmv/1:13/54.94MB
Program used: Sony Vegas Pro 8.0
Date: 9th/February/2011
Started: 8th February 2011
Finished: 9th February 2011
Not very original I know but it's the first video i've managed to start and finish since I last posted.
I'm sorry I'm not around lately, RL is keeping me busy.
V: Did you and Madison have sex over winter break?
L: We were broken up at the time.
V: You know how I feel about her!
L: I wasn't trying to hurt you.
V: Ha! Really, Imagine if you'd tried.
V: This is something I'm never getting past.
L: I only want you.
Click to view
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Youtube **watch in HD** |
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