Oct 25, 2004 20:49

What does your name mean?: Eric = Danish/Swedish/Norse royalty
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?): As old as I need to be at this moment
Describe yourself in 5 words: silly, happy, poor, loved, snazz
What are your worst qualities: take some things too personally, protective, FORGETFUL
What are your best qualities: generous when i am able, forgiving, not a douche
How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: an hour if i'm gonna be good and prepared, 5 min otherwise...

Do you dream at night?: yes
Do you remember your dreams?: not often enough
Describe one: I have "dream locations" where many dreams occur. I mapped out a recurring house once, and discovered it ruled.
What time do you wake on weekends?: depends; like 3pm if i can
Do you sleep with one pillow or two?: Two, cause it's the awesome

Do you like school?: No
Why/why not?: College is often the home of those who do not share my point of view on what's important in life
What's your fave subject?: Math, technically, though i loathe it. it's easy
Most hated subject?: Math, see above
Do you have a fave teacher?: Mrs. Robinson, 11th grade AP History
Ever had a crush on a teacher?: um, not really. had lots of respect for one that was a female, though.

Do you have heaps of friends?: Yeah. They rule so hard.
Do you have a best friend?: Yeah
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: Guy
Do you ever get annoyed at any friend?: Oh my god, yes.
Have you ever lied to a friend?: yeah. it sucks
Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend?: No. I have a clean record!

Do you like your parents?: Yes, despite our pasts. I can move on and so can they
Ever run away from home?: Tried to once. Got cold.
Ever thought about it?: see above
Do you have any siblings?: No
Do you feel your parents spoil you?: Probably
Do you not get along with any of your family?: My family in Iowa are farely evil, but we get along ok
Do you have big family get togethers ever?: Not really anymore. Just the parents at Christmas

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes!
If so, are you in love with them?: Yes!
Do they love you?: Yes!
How long have you been together?: Over three months
Ever done something stupid to impress them?: Probably...
Have you ever experienced unrequited love?: Um, not really, unless you count stupid high school crushes
Do u find it romantic or hurtful?: A bitch

Ever had sex?: Yes
Do you believe that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage?: I used to, then I realized I had a penis
Believe in casual sex?: No
When do you plan to/when did you lose your virginity?: I'd like not to say...
Did you regret it?: Heh, yeah

Do you have a religion?: Yes
Do you practice it i.e go to church?: Practicing my religion doesn't involve congregations of silly people
Do you believe in God?: Yes
Do you believe in Jesus?: Dude was definitely there, wasn't he?
Do you believe in Satan?: No
Do you believe in Heaven?: Yes
Do you believe in Hell?: Sure, what the hell :)

Have you ever been drunk?: You know it!
Taken drugs?: Oh yeah!
Stolen?: Damn straight!
Shoplifted?: Pillaging is all part of being a pirate
Tried to commit suicide?: technically, no...
Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend?: Yeah
Gotten into a fight?: Tried to. Didn't work out, as we just became friends instead.
Are you more innocent or guilty?: innocent ;)
Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict?: Yes
racist?: Not really, just a very bad person for laughing at work
Are you discriminatory to anyone?: Yes, nut jobs in Iowa
Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs and feelings?: generally open, but some people just can't be helped

Whats your fave style of music?: Rock, experimental, jazzy snazz, etc.
Do you play an instrument?: Yes
Do you sing?: Very badly
Whats your fave band?: There are so many... Pumpkins, Peppers, Mouse, Claypool, god the list goes on!
Why?: so much good, so little time
Have you met them before?: Duh, me and Flea and Billy Corgan, and Les Claypool all jam out every weekend
Name 3 cds that you've bought in the last year: I don't, uh, "buy" cd's, per say... But i have gotten modest mouse, eels, and perfect circle
Why did you buy them?: Why the hell not?
Are you funny or serious?: ::puts on a serious face:: what do YOU think?
Creative or not?: i create lots of knots
Logical thinker or lateral thinker?: logical
Are you outgoing or shy?: shy
Are you lazy or active?: oh, so lazy
Have you ever been hyperactive?: as the disorder, no
Are you a naturally hyperactive person?: no

Are you happy with the way you look?: is anyone?
What would you change?: eyes, belly (i'm a chubby chub), and i need prehensile hair.
Do you wear makeup regularly?: No
Do you have a large wardrobe?: God no

Embarrassing moments
Your all time most embarrassing moment?: That's a toughy, i've had so many.
Ever snorted a drink out your nose?: yes
Ever giggled like an idiot?: Yes
Ever embarrassed yourself and pretended nothing happened?: Always
Ever tripped in front of someone you liked?: Oh man
Ever said something really stupid?: Yeah, but it's usually less embarrassing, more unfortunate
Ever snorted while laughing?: Yes
Ever fallen off a bed?: Used to all the damn time
Ever sleepwalked?: No, I've sleep-talked-on-the-phone quite a bit
Ever sleep talked?: see above, otherwise, no

Whats your best memory?: Hard to say, but I think a few recent are taking the top of the list :)
Worst?: Oh man!
Do you have a good memory?: Hell no

Ever had funny thoughts and laughed and no one understood you?: Often
Whats the first thought that comes to your head when you hear these names?

Melissa: Loews party and the beginning of my alcohol aversion
Bob: I used to tell people in middle + high school that was my name if i didn't want to talk to them
Vanessa: sitcom hoo-ah
Alyssa : never knew any
Jess: Cheeks
Brian: these are never good news
Charlie: Chuck
Olivia: bad salad ingredients
Drew: Cleveland does not, in fact, rock
Lily: add another "L", and it's what I'm gonna name any girls i happen to knock someone up with
Anita: poor slow girl at loews

Ha ha! you had to scroll all the way through that! you poor schmucks! This has lightened my mood tremendously. I think I have determined that Danielle has had some of the absolute worst people ever as boyfriends, and they need to all get ground up into pill form. Oh god, please let them get ground up into pill form. But I love her, so I won't grind them. I'm the tired.
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