Jan 22, 2009 02:56
- 16:11 RT #tweetup: PhotoCamp Houston!, RSVP here: twtvite.com/ilakme #
- 16:44 @ Scobleizer I asked Apple employee what they got for this Christmas- major chewing out via videoconf from Steve re: info leaks. Checking up #
- 17:05 suspected Mercury in retrograde with chaos abounding in twitter and beyond, confirmed it is. Little faith in horoscope, but wondering... #
- 17:07 wish I could find that twitter neighbrhood map he showed us months ago, what was it again? #luvbrogan tinyurl.com/8xaxz4 #
- 18:54 @ dstatx don't do that, I'm just discombobulated (sic?) as usual. Just in 140 characters it's more apparent :) #
- 18:58 @ mrjabba ooh, feel free to join at Sat BSC beer social and use Debbie snax as referral so I can earn co-op cultivator glass. :) #
- 20:56 @ jonray I don't think Sawyer is a fan of much. And who is Faraday really? #lost #
- 20:59 @ dogfishbeer looking forward to next tasting, some of my favorite beers. #ttl #
- 21:48 With $1410 remaining to reach a $5,000 match, every $1 you give is worth $4.50 to www.CharityWater.org. LEVERAGE! (via @Pistachio) #
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