2004, pretty memorable i guess.
- bunking school a lot
- clubs
- common
- my birthday
- tragic [but great none the less] summer
- Kings Rd Nights [oh dear...]
- crying
- telling the truth
- wishing i could tell tell more of the truth
- KT
- lying
- loving
- "hating"
- a lot of vodka.[cider,lambrini,beer,Alchopops,wine]
- Blazing
- Luciano being born
- 'shrooms , truffles
- poppers!!
- oh so many cigarettes
- getting excluded from school for 2 days
- contact lens'
- lip piercing
- nose piercing
- getting arrested, put in a cell, etc etc
- Okay, i believe you but my tommy gun don't
- CKY,The Distillers, Less Than Jake, Brand New,Razorlight
- Hampstead Heath
- London Zoo
- AISAJOB crew
- dares
- letters
- parties
- trip to hospital
- getting found out [still grateful for talking to you.]
- counselling
- Lailas free houses
- drinking competition at charlottes
- Pulling GOD
- Stalking
- Not caring/caring too much
- Graveney Girls outings [ The farm!,Brighton]
- Valentines Day
- C's [top hat, cigarettes,lots of food, eamon & frankee,poppers]
- James,Fat Boy, "Izzy" , Carl, Jeffery
- A lot of Violence
- Punching someone properly for the first time [Seana - sorry]
- trying to get to scandinavia
- AMAZING,BUFF,FUNNY,COOL *pokes self in the eye* [MUCY]
- Last Friday [falling through doors and such]
- The fire at Gemmas
- The Grannies
- The trials and tribulations of The Graveney Girls fullstop.
If i've forgotten anything...add it.